Frome Symphony is a registered charity and we rely on subscriptions from members to help subsisde the costs of running the orchestra.
We offer a sliding scale of subs and ask that members pay their subscriptions before half term each term, or by the end of the first term if annually.
3 ways to pay subs
1) Direct payment via bank transfer – this is our preferred method as we avoid paying bank fees.
2) Standing order vis your bank – this also avoids fees.
3) Subscription via Stripe – this adds fees onto every transaction so the subs are slightly higher to reflect this.
Direct Payment via Bank Transfer or Standing Order
Our preferred way to receive subs is via Bank Transfer so we don’t have to pay any processing fees. Our bank details are as follows:
Account Name: Frome Symphony
Sort Code: 40-21-19
Account No: 11485717
We also have a Card Reader and can take payments during rehearsals.
Full Subs £130 per year
Or 3 x termly payments of £45
Or 12 x monthly payments of £10.85
Concession Subs £100 per year
Or 3 x termly payments of £35
Or 12 x monthly payments of £8.35
Under 18 Subscription £85 per year
Or 3 x termly payments of £30
Or 12 x monthly payments of £7.10
Payment Via Stripe – one off payments or set up a recurring subscription
One-Off Subscription Payments
This will create a single payment.
Single Annual Payment
Single Termly Payment
Recurring Subscription Payments
This will create a recurring subscription that will automatically repeat until you cancel the subscription.
Annual Payments (automated)
Monthly Payments (automated)